Depression Quote.png

When I was 28, I had my first anxiety attack.

I was in Turkey with a man who, the day before, was asking me what style of engagement ring I liked.

I didn't understand what was happening.

One minute I was all smiles, traveling the world, in love, and on cloud nine.

And then I wasn't, with nothing to explain the shift.

Little did I know at the time, my anxiety was telling me something.

Looking back, I didn't honestly know him or myself well enough. The ring shopping made it too real & my anxiety was telling me to step back.

Following the abrupt anxiety attack came its best friend, Depression. The two commonly go hand in hand, and the heartbreak was real.

During my many years of discovery and recovery, I uncovered so much more about my mental health and personal needs. I had an MTHFR gene mutation, candida overgrowth from sugar addiction, ate a poor diet, and was stressed out, all of which contribute to anxiety and depression.

The one area that doctors didn't mention, though, was values.

What do you value.png

Take a values quiz here.

Yep, values.

It's not common for a doctor to bring up this topic for any illness. However, in health coaching, I find clients progressing in their journey more quickly when they live a values-based life.

The initial confusion of my first anxiety attack was making more sense.

It was my wake-up call.

I was skipping along in fairytale land, but really I...

  • Felt disconnected from myself and reality. (Connection is my #1 value)

  • Wasn't communicating my needs. (Communication is #2)

  • Said yes to things that didn't serve me; food, bad habits, people-pleasing. (Health is #3)

The list could go on.

Whenever I feel the "beast" creeping back in, I look at how I show up in life.

Do my actions reflect my values? Am I living my truth? Am I walking a clear line?

Living a values-based life wasn't something I thought much about until navigating my mental health. Now it's all I think about.

Whatever "beast" you hold, have you ever tracked when it's worse and/or better? Notice a pattern? Is it worse when you aren’t aligned? Better when you are doing things you love and honoring your needs?


This article is excellent information on why tracking can help tame your beast & live a lighter, happier life. Tools like these are helpful, but navigating with a thinking partner is a game-changer. If you need support moving forward in your mental health journey, click here to book a discovery session with me.

People need other people.

It took me years & countless tools to beat my beast.

Let's shorten that process for you.


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