Discover Your Path to Success with YouMap® & Unleash Your Inner Superpowers!

I’ve been a bit of a ghost with writing newsletters and coaching posts lately. 👻

Mostly because I'm still a little unsettled with the move, unpacking, and assembling a home, but also because I'm navigating a new business and feeling like... "One thing at a time."

Which is good.

This is me going from my old self of "I have to do it all" to "This is my business, and I can set the tempo (and use all the emojis and gifs I want!)

It's nice.

Way nicer than the burnout of the hustle and bustle of selling key chains and t-shirts and managing a team of 15 that left me roasting marshmallows on my brain from all the stress. 

While there is nothing particularly wrong with my former business of running two stores, I recently took an assessment that pointed out that sales and supervision burn me out.

(And here I thought I just easily stressed out!)

This game-changing assessment is called a YouMap®, and I believe almost everyone would benefit from having one.


Because it's a super-duper, freaky-deaky, surprisingly pin-pointing assessment that gets to the root of your stress, stuckness, and/or overwhelm AND serves up a hearty dish of hope and direction for your kick-ass path forward.

YouMap® serves as your very own success GPS, unlocking your innate talents, motivations, joys (and the pesky burnouts) and even shedding light on your fantastic personality!

I seriously felt like I was dancing on a rainbow after debriefing mine. It's like discovering the secret sauce that takes you from "I think I can" to "Hell yeah, I got this!"

This magic trick isn't just for professional career changes or students seeking their path. It's a must-have for connecting with others, building dream teams, and discovering (and relishing in) your own superpowers!

And if thoughts have you down, keeping you stuck? It'll make your inner critic run for the hills with its tail between its legs.

YouMap® highlights all the brilliant and fun-filled quirks about YOU so you can tell your nasty inner critic with its not-so-nice words, "Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire! Look at my YouMap®!"

If you don't get what this image is referencing, google "80's commercial This is your brain on..."

I've walked five clients through debriefs since my certification, and the feedback, insights, and lessons learned are so fun to witness. 

"I wish I had taken this earlier!" is the biggest response.

Others are:

"I get now why I do the things I do!"

"I used to beat myself up for this, and I now see it as a priority!"

"I always thought I wasn't enough, constantly comparing myself to others, but now I know I'm right where I need to be."

Had I taken it earlier, it may have saved me years of misunderstood stress and paralysis of indecision, and essentially catapulting me to a job I adore in record time. And let's be real, who doesn't want that? 

No more throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks.

No more second-guessing yourself. No more feeling stuck in a rut.

YouMap® gives clarity and purpose that feels unbelievably affirming and exciting. It's like rocket fuel for your journey to the life that looks damn good on you!

Want to skip the trial-and-error dance? 

I've got three fantastic options to help you unveil your YouMap® and unleash your awesomeness.

And if you made it this far, you score a jaw-dropping 50% off* options 1 and 2 with this top-secret code. wink

(Good until the end of 8/31/23.)

If you're a coach and want information on YouMap® certification, check out Allegra Stein's information session on August 9th.

If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this email or book a discovery call to chat in person. I genuinely enjoy connecting with people and assisting in any way I can. And please know there's no pressure to book a service after our call. Both "Yes" and "No" are perfectly acceptable answers.

Here to help,


Using Strengths with Intentions


Arrested at the Border