Essential Self-Care

Join a hive of like-minded people who want to prioritize self-care and take action on their health.

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What is Essential Self-Care?

A six-week group program, plus one 1:1 session, to strengthen your relationship with yourself, find inspiration, learn various ways to self-care, get accountability, and start giving yourself the love you deserve.

Benefits You Can Expect:

  • Understand and identify the different elements of Self-Care and apply them to your unique situation.

  • Mental Self-Care: Learn about how your thoughts can determine your feelings, habits, and your identity.

  • Physical Self-Care: We will discuss nutrition, movement, water, sleep tips, and more.

  • Social & Spiritual Self-Care: Dive into social and spiritual self-care and what that means for you.

  • Environmental Self-Care: Learn how your environment, from clutter to your community, can affect your health and well-being.

  • Have an accountability partner from the group throughout the process.

  • Start making time for yourself and stop tolerating unnecessary bullshit.

  • Become part of a community of those working on the same things you are.

A client’s review two year’s after her Self-Care Group experience:

"Two years later, I can say with certainty, Nicholle's self-care group was THE pivotal catalyst that sparked into motion becoming the woman I am today: a lovestruck newlywed living in a hundred-year-old cottage in Ireland, writing my book. I will always carry such profound gratitude in my heart and continue to fiercely recommend this group to every woman that dares to wonder what might happen if she truly believes in what absolute magic she is capable of."

-Meg P.

Program Features:

  • Six live 60 - 90 minute zoom calls.

  • Guided meditations and affirmations.

  • One 1:1 coaching session with me, Nicholle.

  • Actions steps between sessions.

  • A Self-Care workbook to follow - can be printed from your home, or I can mail you one!

  • Self-Care Bingo game for a chance to win prizes.

  • Optional private Self-Care Group on Facebook.

  • Connecting with like-minded new friends.


  • Dates are flexible and can be determined by the group.

How much?

Special Price: $329* Bring a friend and get $50 off for you and your friend - $279 each! That’s about a fancy coffee a day!

*The value of the program is $394.

**To keep the experience intimate, space is limited to 4-10 people.

Welcome to the Essential Self-Care Program!

I’m really glad you are here. Get ready to embark on a journey of transformation and self-discovery in my six-week Essential Self-Care program. We’ll be diving into a world of stress reduction, self-love, accountability, and action-taking!

Week 1: Let's Get Started

🌟 Opening

We're kicking things off with introductions and setting the stage for our journey. Get ready for a blend of personal growth with a supportive community. Confidentiality and respect, amongst other group rules, will be discussed.

🔥 Working

Unveiling the power of goals vs. systems. We're shifting the focus from just chasing outcomes to becoming the type of person who consistently takes action. Let's ignite those intrinsic motivations and craft our identity-based habits.

🌈 Vision

Time to envision who you want to become over these six weeks. The time for self-care is now. No more excuses. You are your priority. We’ll craft those empowering "I am" statements you aspire to be and take the first step toward your transformation. Who are you going to be when you cross the finish line? 🏁

👭🏻 Accountability

You each will get an accountability partner to share your goals and check in with throughout the six weeks (and beyond if you so choose!) Plus, a beautiful affirmation project that you can take with you and use when life feels like it’s walking on you.

Week 2: Embrace Your Physical Needs

🌟 Opening

We're setting the mood for some serious self-care exploration by starting with meditation and sharing your vision statement for the upcoming weeks. This group is about connecting and inspiring each other, so please feel free to share as little or as much as you feel comfortable sharing.

🏋️‍♀️ Working

Discover the magic of Physical Self-Care. From sleep to nutrition, we're diving deep into how you're showing up for your body. Sleep like a pro, fuel your body, and move in a way that makes your soul dance.

🏃‍♀️ Movement Magic

This group isn’t to force you into a box to do things a “certain way”. It's not about doing everything on the handouts, eating a certain way, or how your accountability partner taps into their physical self-care. It’s about finding what resonates with you. By the end of week two, you’ll have a better understanding of what needs to change, be added, or eliminated for you to start feeling better physically.

Week 3: Nurture Your Mental & Emotional Well-Being

🌟 Opening

We always start with meditation, but it’s especially useful for mindfulness around our emotional well-being. Share your recent wins or goals – we're all ears and here to uplift each other.

💡 Working

Mental Needs time! Our thoughts shape our reality, so let's master our mindset. Learn how to flip the script from negative to neutral to positive and unlock the power of emotional awareness.

📚 Learning & Growth

Embrace intellectual stimulation and challenge your beliefs. We open a conversation around external and internal stimulations. What are you reading? Watching? How is what you are doing every day aligned with your values?

We’ll tap into a bit of meditation 101, Imposter Syndrome, Comparison crap, and so much more. The key is to keep that brain engaged and thriving with what works for us, not against us.

Week 4: Connect Socially & Spiritually

🌟 Opening

Three-point focus meditation for some spiritual vibes. It's check-in time – share your latest wins, roadblocks, or your hot-off-the-press goals.

🤝 Working

Let's explore Social and Spiritual Self-Care. From connecting with something bigger than you to embracing your inner self, we're diving into what truly makes your heart sing.

🌌 Divine Connection

These practices help us combat loneliness, enhance our relationships, and deepen our understanding of ourselves. When we connect with ourselves, others such as God, the Universe, or Mother Nature (whatever you believe in) - we are connecting with totality within our individuality.

🀞 And did I mention that throughout the six weeks, you’ll be playing some Self-Care Bingo for a chance to win some goodies?

Week 5: Create Your Ideal Environment

🌟 Opening

Check-in: Share your reflections, wins, or progress – this is the space to uplift one another.

🌱 Working - Clutter Be Gone!

Get ready to declutter your life! Your environment plays a major role in shaping your habits. Let's streamline, organize, and breathe new life into your surroundings. From tackling physical clutter to keeping your inbox Zen, we're on a mission to create a harmonious space that supports your self-care journey.

📒 Environmental needs can also look like spending time alone. Your Essential Self-Care workbook can be an excuse to take a moment alone and journal your thoughts. Use it however you find beneficial.

Week 6: The Grand Finale

🌟 Opening

Meditation, of course! Let's reflect on how far you've come. Check in with your feelings and share your wins and realizations if comfortable.

🎉 Working

We'll review your progress, share your proud moments, and discuss how you'll carry these transformative habits forward. Who were you then, and who are you now?

🔮 Future Vision

What's next for you? How will you keep yourself accountable? You've got all the tools you need to continue your journey of self-care, empowerment, and growth. What will help you continue to grow and flourish in your new Self?

🫙Bingo prizes & self-care affirmation jars will be celebrated!


So there you have it, the roadmap to your Essential Self-Care journey. Get ready to embrace change, ignite motivation, and become the best version of yourself. Can't wait to see you in class, ready to rock your self-care game! 🌟💪

What clients are buzzing about…

“If you’re looking for a safe space to work on yourself without fear of judgment, look no further. This group is founded on the idea that kindness promotes the most fruitful results, and the body and mind are one. When one improves, so does the other.”

-Lybbie B.

“It was a great way to look introspectively in a positive way to identify and begin to change things that we want to about ourselves. I also loved meeting and getting to know others and have a built-in healthy support team. Nicholle is super knowledgeable, non-judgmental, and earnestly wants to help people be their best selves. She is positive, and helps with real strategies in a down to earth way!”

-Anonymous Group Member

“If you're looking at your self-care goal and all of the steps you need to take to reach it, the task can seem daunting. When I first signed on with Coach Cole, I had begun work on a memoir and wanted someone to keep me accountable, someone who would DEMAND a completed chapter every session. I was looking for a Coach that would PUSH and SHOVE with all their might to get me to climb that next step. Well, girl, that is NOT Coach Cole. She is not the one shoving a begrudged and unwilling soul up the flight of steps required to achieve their dreams... she is the LIGHT that illuminates each step. She is the mirror held up in front of your eyes to show you where you truly are. She is the one who helps you form in your mind, the version of you waiting at the top of the stairs until you can see yourself so clearly that every step that you take brings you closer to your best self.”

-Meg M.


Six weeks of Self-Care.

It’s time to say “Hell No!” to what doesn’t serve you any longer & “Hell yea!” to what makes you feel amazing!

Let’s do this.


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