Arrested at the Border

Last week, I was arrested.

Full on, hands above your head, legs apart, slowly bring your arms down to be handcuffed and detained in a 6x6 cell, arrested.

I'm the type of girl who usually gets anxious about receiving a parking ticket. I feel all sorts of uncomfortable when an officer even questions my character. Think shame, guilt, vulnerability, misunderstood, scared, etc.

I strive to be a good law-abiding citizen. Occasionally going five or ten mph over the speed limit is as rebellious as I get.

But handcuffed, read my rights, and put in a holding room?

I was terrified.

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You are not broken.

We are human.

A magical life of millions of experiences and stories that, when shared, shine a light for others.

Life is hard, and it often may feel like it's breaking you. You hold onto whatever helps you cope, journeying through a challenging human experience. You search for something to help you feel hopeful and alive again, trying to "fix" whatever spark has dimmed in you.

But the thing is, we don't need to find something to make us whole or fixed. Feeling like your healthy Self (or whatever version you think you will become once you are "fixed") "is not something you achieve; it is something you remember!"

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